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New Caledonia

Page last updated on 31 August 2023
Latest security advice
Reconsider your need to travel
We continue to advise reconsider your need to travel to New Caledonia due to ongoing civil unrest and travel disruptions.

Security incidents, including arson and carjacking continue across the country. Political demonstrations and protests may turn violent at short notice. Avoid demonstrations and public gatherings. There's a nationwide curfew in place nightly between 8pm and 6am. Continue to follow the advice of local authorities and limit movement until advised otherwise. Essential services are impacted.

You can access La Tontouta International airport by road. This can change at short notice. Roads have been damaged, and many have blockades in place. You'll need to assess your situation before travelling. Monitor the media and follow the advice of local authorities (see 'Safety').

AirCalin is operating a limited number of flights each week. Expect lengthy waiting times and baggage limits. Schedules can change at short notice. Contact your airline for the latest information.

We advise:

Reconsider your need to travel to New Caledonia due to ongoing civil unrest and travel disruptions.

If beaches are your thing, you’re spoilt for choice in New Caledonia. The island experiences gorgeous blue skies and sunshine all year round, so you can enjoy soaking up the sun or taking a dip in the ocean in any month of the year. The island boasts a long list of beaches with beautiful white sand and crystal-clear waters. One of the best ways to explore is by island-hopping using a sail boat. This way you can dive in for a snorkel and get up close with the marine life that lives in the vibrant coral reefs – keep an eye out for the sea turtles!

Whether you’re planning a relaxing beach holiday or if you’re going to shop ‘til you drop, it’s important to consider your travel health and the risks of disease. Speak with your healthcare professional about the vaccinations or preventative medicines you might need to protect yourself prior to your departure to New Caledonia.

Before you go to New Caledonia

Do I need vaccinations to visit New Caledonia?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all travellers are up-to-date with their routine vaccinations including measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, polio, influenza and pneumococcal disease. These vaccinations are given as part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP). For a full list please refer to the NIP schedule, available here. In some cases, you may need a booster or re-vaccination against a disease to ensure you still have immunity.

Travellers to New Calendonia who are aged 5 years or older should also ensure they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Other diseases that are considered a risk in New Caledonia include hepatitis A, hepatitis B and typhoid.  Your doctor will be able to let you know which vaccinations or medications are recommended for you, based on the time of year, destination/s, activities  planned and the duration of your stay.

What vaccinations are recommended to travel to New Caledonia?

All travellers should be up-to-date with their routine vaccinations before heading off to New Caledonia. These include vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, chicken pox, polio and influenza. For a full list, refer to the National Immunisation Program – available here


Most travellers

There is an increased risk of contracting hepatitis A and typhoid in New Caledonia, both of which can be contracted through contaminated food or water.

Some travellers

Depending on where you are staying and what activities you have planned, the following vaccinations may be recommended for you by your doctor:

  • Hepatitis B
    • You can contract this through sexual contact and contaminated needles, so this vaccine is particularly important if you are sexually active in New Caledonia, having any medical procedures or are planning on getting a tattoo
How long before you travel to New Caledonia do you need vaccinations?

It is best to consult with your doctor or travel health clinic at least one month prior to your departure. They will be able to advise you about any vaccinations that you may need for your trip well before you leave, based on your specific travel plans.

Your doctor may conduct a general health check-up. This may be needed for your travel insurance if you have a pre-existing medical condition. If you are not up-to-date with your routine and COVID-19 vaccinations, then your doctor may recommend that you get a booster or be vaccinated/revaccinated against a particular disease.

Are vaccines covered by private healthcare?

In some circumstances, your private healthcare may cover the cost of the vaccination. 

This will however depend on the specifics of your policy with your provider – the type of cover you have (hospital, hospital + extra) and the specifics of your extras cover. 

Contact your provider to find out if vaccinations are included as part of your cover. 

What precautions can I take to prevent dengue fever and other mosquito-borne illnesses in New Caledonia?

There is a risk of contracting the mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue fever, chikungunya and zika virus in New Caledonia. Zika virus and dengue fever are spread through the bite of certain types of mosquito which are active during the daytime.

Outbreaks of dengue fever are fairly common.  Some people who get infected do not show any symptoms, but those that do become ill 4–7 days after the bite, and have flu-like symptoms including intermittent high fever, severe headache, muscle, joint and bone pain, and a skin rash with red spots. In some cases, the illness may progress to dengue haemorrhagic fever, a very serious condition that can be fatal.

If you travel to New Caledonia you should avoid being bitten by mosquitoes by protecting yourself with insect repellent, wearing clothing that covers your arms and legs, and staying in accommodation that has working door and window screens.


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Sources & Citations

  1. Worldometer, New Caledonia Population (live). Available at: [Accessed 31 August 2023].
  2. Flight Centre. New Caledonia Travel Guide. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022].
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. New Caledonia – Traveler View. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022].
  4. Australian Government Department of Health. National Immunisation Program Schedule. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022].
  5.  Australian Government. Smart Traveller – Infectious Diseases. Available at: [accessed 8 February 2022].
  6. Finder, Travel Vaccinations – What is a travel vaccine and can you claim it on health insurance? Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022].
  7. Australian Government. Smart Traveller – New Caledonia. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022]
  8. International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers (IAMAT). New Caledonia - Dengue. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022].
  9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Traveler’s Health Pack Smart. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2022]

MAT-AU-2200221  Date of preparation March 2022