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Do I need a shingles vaccine?

Page last updated 24 June 2022

The shingles vaccine is recommended for adults aged 60 years and over, and adults aged 50 years and over with household contacts who are immunocompromised. However, those who have previously received the chickenpox vaccine are not recommended to receive the shingles vaccine.

The shingles vaccine is free as part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for people over 70 years of age. Until 31 October 2023, a single catch-up dose is also available for adults aged 71 to 79 years.

For more information regarding shingles, the vaccination and its prevention, speak with your doctor.

Sources & Citations

2. Australian Government. Department of Health. Immunisation for seniors. Available at: (accessed 27 May 2022).

7. Australian Government. Department of Health. Zoster (herpes zoster). Available at: Zoster (herpes zoster) | The Australian Immunisation Handbook ( (accessed 1 June 2022).

MAT-AU-2201301 (v1.0)   Date of preparation June 2022
